Tag Archives: health

Detox & Happy New Year

detox (ˈdiːˌtɒks)

— n
1. treatment designed to rid the body of poisonous substances

Have you ever done a detox? Usually its something along the lines of drink this, take this pill, eat this for three days, seven days and by the end you will have lost twenty pounds and have the life you always imagined. This, of course, is ridiculous. No such grandiose promise can ever be fulfilled in such a short period of time.

Yet, I love the idea of a detox. Its a chance to begin anew. To reset. Refocus. Determine what’s important to you and why. See crystal clear all the things you have come to depend on and come back to the Truth. This, as you might guess, is not just any Detox. The type I’m talking about is a…let’s call it Clinical, Relational and Performance Detox (thanks to a book I read by some super smart Psychologists).

Clinical: your inner world, all the spirit, mind & emotion.

Relational: anything that involves other people.

Performance: Call it a career or job, but the stuff you put out into the world.

Does that seem like a lot? Well, not to me. I get excited when I think about Detoxing all of this. Really looking at my inner world and deciding what needs to stay and what is actually a toxic element that needs to be removed.

Why does it need to be removed? A few reasons…

1. Its sick and its not getting better (maybe this is a career choice I made that I still don’t love)

2. It actually begins to be toxic to me (maybe eating too much junk food or hanging out with critical people)

3. It may be good, but its not best

The last one is my favorite. I have goals. Things I want to do, feel like I was created to do on this planet.

Like this…


And this…

And probably this too…

Just a few of my life goals.

But, if there are things I pursue or let take my time or energy that are not these things, then, by default, I am pursuing not my goals. Crystal clear? Good.

So, today. On my first day of Life Detox, I declare it a new year (because honestly when do we do detoxes in life normally if not new year?).

I’ll keep you updated about my Detox, what goes and what stays.

Happy New Year.


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